Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Hero and the Minotaur - mythological tale

Author - Robert Byrd
Illustrator - same
Publisher - Dutton Children's Books, 2005.
Page #'s - 40
Rating - 3/5

The Hero and the Minotaur is a mythological tale of adventure. Theseus grows up a brave and strong boy. He finds some shoes and a sword under a large rock one day. It is a sign that it is time for him to go meet his father, King Ageus. He his clever and beats many traps on the way. He is then sent to end the tradition of the yearly sacrifice to King Minos. He has many adventures and kills the Minotaur and frees the sacrificed people and the Kings daughter.

This tale is very confusing. I had to keep going back to see who was who. There are lots of characters that come in for a short time and a lot of plot in a short story. It is obvious that this is a long tale that the author tried to make into a short picture book. But beyond that, it is very exciting. It also has wonderful full page color pictures. This book could be enjoyable if you just look at the pictures and do not worry about the plot so much.

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